7, 14/1 │ Sun │ 14:00-17:00
Black Box Multi-purpose Room, Macao Cultural Centre
17/1 │ Wed │ 14:00-17:00
Hundred Steps Promenade , Lou Lim Ioc Garden
MOP 100
Black Box Multi-purpose Room, Macao Cultural Centre, Lou Lim Iok Garden
Put forward by Ong Yong Lock, #danceless aims to remove the institutionalised dance techniques, and to start from creative dance, opening up the body’s perception, exploring the body’s rhythms, enabling participants to know themselves better, exploring their own creativity.
The instructors will share their structured improvisation works combining the aesthetic concepts with improvisation and games to help participants develop their body senses. Through the use of wooden blocks as a starting point, participants will explore the relationship between various movements allowing the body to be creative and responsive to different situations. Upon the completion of the workshop, participants will be required to perform.
Target Participants: For aged 16 and above
No. of Participants: 15
Language: Cantonese
Instructors: Ong Yong Lock and Andy Lee
Comfortable clothing is recommended.
Registrations will take place on a first-come, first-served basis and will be closed on 5 January. Accepted applicants shall be notified by SMS and will have to pay a fee at the Activity Application in Macao One Account by the appointed date.