18/6 - 22/9/2024
Date: 18/6~22/9/2024
Download link:
[Application Form]
[Guardian's statement]
Organiser: The Cultural Affairs Bureau
Co-organiser: MGM
The Cultural Affairs Bureau of Macao (IC) has been revitalising and reusing the city’s historic buildings, and most of these revitalised structures have become featured and functional public facilities of Macao. These structures are distributed all over the city, and have become indispensable in the citizens’ daily lives, as they pass by or visit them every day.
This event calls for participants from different age groups to present photographs of revitalised historic buildings, to show the results of these revitalisation works, namely from the point of view of their present collective aesthetics and their emotional link with their respective users, thereby highlighting the value and significance of public participation; and at the same time, enhancing the message to “Protect and Enjoy Our World Heritage Together” and to raise the awareness and concern for cultural heritage conservation.
Category and Prizes
Gold Award
Silver Award
Bronze Award
Merit Award
Student Group
1 entry
1 entry
1 entry
5 entries
MOP 5,000
MOP 3,000
MOP 2,000
MOP 1,000 per entry
Open Group
1 entry
2 entries
3 entries
15 entries
MOP 10,000
MOP 8,000 per entry
MOP 5,000 per entry
MOP 2,500 per entry
Theme and Content
Each entry, corresponding to a single photograph, should adopt the subject of the “revitalised historic buildings in Macao” as its theme, in order to reveal the architectural language and spatial aesthetics of the selected building, showing the charm of the chosen building, either based on a wide-angle view or based on certain architectural details; or instead, showing its current functions, such as the daily activities of its users, its regular operations and/or the interactions between the people and the building.
Eligibility and Rules
- Student Group: Macao residents under 18 years old, studying full-time/part-time at local educational institutions, holding a student card issued by the Education and Youth Development Bureau, and with the due consent of their legal guardian.
- Open Group: Macao residents over 18 years old.
- Participants join the competition in their own individual personal capacity.
Number of photo(s) to be submitted
Each participant can only submit one unpublished original black-and-white or colour photograph (including an aerial or panoramic photo) related to the theme of the “revitalised historic buildings in Macao”.
- The jury comprises three representatives from the Cultural Affairs Bureau and two representatives from the co-organiser entity;
- The jury is responsible for the evaluation of the submitted photographs and is bound by the obligations of confidentiality and the avoidance of conflicts of interest.
The organiser reserves the right to reschedule the event and notify participants in time.
Deadline of submission: 22 September 2024
Evaluation of entries: September 2024
Announcement of results: early October 2024
Exhibition: Late October to December 2024
Award Ceremony: 1 November 2024 (to be confirmed)
- The submitted photographs must be at least 20 megapixels in size, and must be captured by a digital camera.
- If cropping is required, please maintain at least 80% of the original file and the final image must be more than 20 megapixels.
- No sequence of images (combination of photos) will be accepted.
- The image can be adjusted in terms of brightness, contrast, colour saturation and sharpness, including other post-processing, such as, colour addition, re-exposure and stacking, but the complete medium processing data must be kept for reference. The organiser may request the original photo file containing the original data.
- No reproduction, copying, misappropriation or plagiarism of any form is allowed. Images produced with artificial intelligence (AI) tools, computer-generated imagery (CGI), special effects compositing and/or modification of images (including the addition or removal of elements from the original image) will not be accepted.
- If the use of a drone is involved, participants must make the necessary application and registration as per Air Navigation Regulation of Macao issued by AACM.
- Winning entries will be exhibited, and winners shall provide the original files with the required number of pixels necessary for printing.
Submission of photographs
- All submitted files shall be at least 20 megapixels. No addition or expansion can be made to an adjusted file (in Tiff or JPG format), but the file can be converted to Tiff format or JPG format with the maximum compression ratio possible.
- Format structure for the file name: Participant's name _Title of the work (in Chinese, Portuguese or English).
- Please submit the digital file, together with a copy of the personal identification document and the duly filled-out application form, to send by email to: GBA-CH@icm.gov.mo.
- Student Group participants should also attach a copy of his/her student card and a “Declaration of Consent to Participation” signed by his/her legal guardian.
- After submitting the above-mentioned documents, participants would receive an email confirmation-receipt from the organiser. Participants are responsible for checking if their entries have been submitted successfully or not.
Intellectual Property Rights
- The intellectual property rights of the winning entries belong to the organiser, and the authors may retain only “the rights of the individual” within the limits of the copyright law;
- Without the prior written consent of the organiser, the authors of the winning entries are not allowed to use any of the information provided by the organiser, in whole or in part, for any other purpose or disclose it, or make it available for use by any third party;
- The organiser has the right to, by itself or by commissioning other entities, reproduce the submitted entries for publicity purposes, and/or to publish the entries in any form, without any payment to the respective participants;
- Participants must ensure that all the contents of their entries are original and must not involve any defamation libel, plagiarism or any other irregular or illegal acts that may infringe on the intellectual property rights, or rights of portrait/privacy/reputation or other rights of any third parties. If any infringement is found, the organiser will disqualify the offenders from participating in the competition or claiming awards, and the offenders must bear the legal liabilities and full compensation for any damages suffered by any third party, as well as the compensation, if any, to the organiser;
- Entries should be in line with the theme of the contest and the required specifications, while respecting public order and morals, and must be original and unpublished works. (“Published” refers to works that appeared in publications, public exhibitions or have won other photography competitions, but do not include works in personal websites, blogs, Facebook, WeChat’s Moments, or in-house journals where the works are provided free of charge.)
- Any entry must be the participant’s own work, and the participant must own the full copyrights and portrait rights of the submitted works. If any third-party objects to such copyrights of the participant, with legitimate claim, the organiser will disqualify the respective participant from winning the award that might have been initially attributed (which would not be given to any other entrant, either), reserving the right to reclaim the prize money and other incentives that might have been presented. The participant shall be solely responsible for his/her violations of the copyright, portrait rights or any other legal liabilities, and shall reimburse the organiser for any expenses incurred as a result of such violations;
- The property rights in all winning entries shall, from the date of announcement of the winners, belong to the organiser, including but not limited to the rights of using the original or copies of the works for reproduction, broadcasting, public transmission, adaptation, distribution, public display, publication and public release, without implying any payment to the respective participants.
- The photographs and their titles/captions shall not contain any indecent, immoral or illegal content and cannot advertise or promote any goods or services.
Notes to the participants
- The organiser reserves the right of final interpretation and final decision on all matters set out in this regulation;
- Anyone submitting the respective registration documents and completed application form shall be deemed to have accepted all the terms and conditions stated in this present regulation;
- The organiser reserves the right to disqualify any entry from the competition and the respective prize, in view of any irregularity committed;
- The organiser reserves the right to suspend or cancel the event, amend its rules and contents, and notify the participants regarding such alterations;
- Any queries arising from the implementation of this regulation will be explained by the organiser and cannot be disputed by the participants.