Qui Pandalhada! (What a Pandamonium!)
20, 21/5 (Friday, Saturday)
Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium
Tickets: MOP 150, 100, 80
For no apparent reason, Duarte, an up-and-coming worker in a toy and decoration company, is suddenly laid off. In a Macao where everything revolves around the new commercial symbol of the panda, a new and ambitious manager is determined to make the company more profitable at any cost. Duarte now becomes a representative for the collective fight against the newly established factory order.
A new and entertaining Patuá play by Dóci Papiaçám di Macau that will delight the public.
Playwright and Director: Miguel de Senna Fernandes
With surtitles in Chinese and Portuguese
Duration: approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes, including one interval
Local performance