22/5 (Sunday)
3pm, 8pm
Macao Cultural Centre Small Auditorium
Tickets: MOP 120, 80
Over the last four centuries, Macao has witnessed a confluence of people and ideas from different cultural backgrounds. This unique coming together and openness has not only created a distinctive artistic milieu, it also has shaped generations of Macao people.
This performance is of special significance, because it invites a number of local people from different races and backgrounds to share in the joyous and passionate traditional and modern dance languages!
Artistic Director and Choreographer: Sandra Battaglia (Portugal)
Performing Groups:
V R Rockers
Núcleo de Goa, Damão e Diu with Renu Dhawan
Violet Dance Company
Casa de Portugal in Macao - Lebab
The Dancer Studio Macao
Grupo Axe Capoeira Macau
Batukada Brasil
Cia. de Dança Afro Mavanjù
Duration: approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes, including one interval
Local performance