24, 25/5|Friday, Saturday|8pm
Dom Pedro V Theatre
Tickets: MOP 120, 100
Playwright and Director: Wang Mo Lin (Taiwan)
Dramaturgy Consultant: Yao Lee Chun (Taiwan)
Music Designer: Wang Ming Hui (Taiwan)
Video Designer: Bianca Lei
Set and Costume Designer: Wong Oi Kuok
Lighting Designer: Divel (Taiwan)
Make-up: Bonnie Lei
Producer: Ip Weng Man
Stage Manager: Seng Tat Fong
Stage Production: Hsu Tsung Jen
Photographer: Hsu Ping (Taiwan), Hong Heng Fai x KBT Photograph
Performers: Chan Sai Peng, Lao Im Mei, Ho Chi Fong, Chan Fei Lek, Leong Fan Kai and Wu May Bo
“A play of old sorrow, written in tears and blood”, the autobiographical masterwork Long Day’s Journey into Night by celebrated American playwright and Noble laureate Eugene O’Neill exposes us to the nature of “Home”. Home: the co-existence of mutual reliance and struggle, of difficult love and solid hate. Home: a place of complex relationships and affairs, a place you know well but sometimes want to escape.
In Wall of Fog, inspired by O’Neill’s Long Day’s Journey into Night, the playwright uses his razor-edged language to perform an autopsy on his own soul, laying bare scenes of stunning poignancy. On the 60th anniversary of O’Neill’s death (1888-1953), acclaimed Taiwan theatre director and performing arts critic Wang Mo Lin, with a cast and crew from Taiwan and Macao, bring to bear their understanding of the quintessence of this long-lived play. Using body language formed in a cross-cultural context, they present us with a unique performing aesthetic and an opportunity for intellectual introspection, initiating a brand new dialogue between audience and stage.
Duration: approximately 2 hours, with no interval