12/10 (Saturday);8 pm
Mount Fortress
Free admission
Iberian Jazz All Stars:
Chris Kase, Trumpet and Flugelhorn
Perico Sambeat, Alto Sax and Flaute
Toni Belenguer, Trombone
Abe Rabade, Piano
Nuno Ferreira, Guitarra e Piano
Bruno Pedroso, Drums
Zé Eduardo, Bass
Programme Highlights:
Tune of tunes
Ni Mari ni Hostias
In 2012, on the occasion of the 14th Sedajazz International Jazz and Latin Music Seminar in Valencia, Spain, seven jazz musicians got together to record a live album in one of the most famous Spanish jazz hot-spots, the Jimmy Glass Jazz Club. This partnership was so successful that its members decided to turn it into a more permanent gig, naming their newly-created group the Iberian Jazz All Stars, sponsored by the Associação Grémio das Músicas, from Faro, Portugal. They put together an original and diverse repertoire, the result of the convergence of the musicians’ different styles and interests. Dedicated not only to performing on stage but also to training the next generation of jazz musicians, the group will hold two jazz workshops in Macao in August, after which they will select some of the trainees to join them in October on the Mount Fortress stage, under the name Macao Big Band.
Duration: approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes, including one interval
Macao International Music Festival Outreach Programme
PRE-SHOW TALKS: Iberian Jazz All Stars*
WORKSHOPS: Jazz-it-up!