25 - 26/4/2014 20:00 ; 15:00
Dom Pedro V Theatre
Tickets: MOP 80, 60
25/4/2014 (English) Friday 8pm Dom Pedro V Theatre
26/4/2014 (Cantonese) Saturday 3:00pm Dom Pedro V Theatre
The Soldier’s Tale
Conductor: Francis Kan
Stravinsky: “The Soldier’s Tale”
Production: Hong Kong New Music Ensemble
Characters and cast:
Andy Ko(Narrator)
Bonnie Kwan (Dancer)
Ma Ka Chun (Soldier)
Featuring a sophisticated orchestra and the passionate narration of actors, Histoire de Soldat (The Soldier’s Tale) is the first-ever music theatre to be presented by the Macao Orchestra. A soldier hands his violin to the devil in exchange of unlimited economical favours. Who will eventually take hold of the key of destiny?
*Welcome children of three or above to participate with parents.