Lazy Jones

The girl band Lazy Jones has a special name because the first song the band performed was "Have you met Ms. Jones", and the band's playing style was relatively slow and lazy, so the members decided to use this song. The last word of - Jone and a word that describes them to form the team name. The band was established in 2021, which members from different places, including Macau, mainland China and Portugal, and they also comes from different schools. The band members range in age from 10 to 22 years old. Because of everyone loves music, there is not much generation gap between everyone. The band mainly plays light music, pop music and Bossa Nova and other styles. Members include vocalist Diana from Portugal, pianist Gale from mainland China, guitarist Nana from Macau, bassist Twinkle and drummer Emily. Lazy Jones made her first public performance begining of this year and received an overwhelming response. In addition to this performance, the band members have different performance experiences. The band was formed to make the audience feel comfortable and happy.