registration period of the 24th Macao Young Musicians Competition (MYMC)
will take place between April 6 and 12. Different levels of Chinese instruments,
western instruments and vocal competitions will be held this year. Competition
regulations and application forms could be obtained from the Cultural Affairs
Bureau’s libraries, the Tap Seac Gallery and the Macao Conservatory, or
downloaded from the Cultural Affairs Bureau’s website:
MYMC is an annual event aimed at encouraging local musical development, enhancing artistic knowledge and raising the performance levels of Macao’s young musicians. For over twenty years, this competition has provided young people with a chance to gain stage experience, thereby contributing to an improvement in their artistic level.
The 24th MYMC consists of 61 categories. Besides the awards set for each category, the organiser will continue to present the “Special Award” to provide young people with an opportunity for short-term or long-term overseas studies. The competition will take place between June 17 and July 11.
Renowned professors from music academies in Mainland and Hong Kong will be invited to serve on the judging panel in an attempt to raise the winners’ standards. Two or three judges will be assigned to each category and group.
Applicants must be holders of Macao Resident’s I.D. Card. Applicants for Chinese or western instruments must be born after 17 June 1983 and those applying for the other musical instruments must be born after 17 June 1981. The registration period is from April 6 to 12, everyday from 9am to 7pm (inclusive of lunch time), at the Cultural Affairs Bureau’s Cultural Events Department (Rua do Campo, No: 78, Edifício Comercial Chung Kin, 8 andar A).
For enquiries please telephone 3996608, 3996612,
3996621 or 3996620, fax to 366808, or email to: