Batavia Madrigal Singers (Indonesia)

Tuesday, October 24, 2006 20:00     St. Dominic's Church     Admission with free tickets

Conductor: Avip Priatna
Rao Lan, Soprano
Yosefin Emilia, Mezzo-soprano
Farman Purnama, Tenor
Fritz Simangunsong, Baritone

Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643)
Quel augellin che canta
Deh bella e casa e si
Dorinda Ah! Diro "mia non sei"

Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)
Nachtwache I
Nachtwache II

et al.

They sing of love in polyphonic textures to create the purest of harmonies. The Indonesian madrigal singers rely on their voices alone to breathe life into the poetry. In Macao they share this intimacy, intoning the sounds of the Renaissance with the music of Monteverdi, one of history's greatest madrigalists. Later they affirm the longevity of this ancient tradition with several pieces by contemporary composers such as David Azurza (“Loriak Udan”) from Europe and Asians Budi Susanto Yohannes (“Tetapi Aku”) and Woo Hyo Won (“Gloria I”).

Duration: approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes, including one interval