Performance Pledges

Objectives, mission and values of the Cultural Affairs Bureau

Objectives: Beginning in Macao but with eyes fixed upon the world, this Bureau is dedicated to Cultural development and the promotion of a culture of excellence, as well as its passing on to future generations.

Mission: Safeguard of Cultural Heritage, promotion of the taste for the Arts, support of community associations, stimulate and support of talents in Arts and Culture and the development of local cultural and creative industries, so that the unique cultural characteristics of Macao can stand out in the development of the Pearl River Delta Region and this territory can continue to play a vital role in the cultural exchange between East and West.     

Values: Imprint Culture in the spirit of the city through the conservation and promotion of Cultural Heritage. 

Suggestions and complaints

The Cultural Affairs Bureau welcomes and encourages suggestions, comments and complaints with regards to the services it provides. These can be presented in person at the Cultural Affairs Bureaus’ building or by telephone, sent by fax, e-mail or letter to: 

Address: Edif. do Instituto Cultural, Praça do Tap Siac, Macau

Tel: (853)2836 6699 (during office hours)

Fax: (853)2836 6899




Address: Edif. do Instituto Cultural, Praça do Tap Siac, Macau

Tel: (853)2836 6866 (during office hours)

Fax: (853)2836 6899



Office Hours:
Monday to Thursday    09:00-13:00 ; 14:30-17:45
Friday   09:00-13:00 ; 14:30-17:30