Department of Cultural Heritage

1. The Department of Cultural Heritage is responsible for:

1) Collaborating in the process of drafting and implementing a cultural heritage protection policy;

2) Exercising the powers conferred on the Cultural Affairs Bureau by Law No. 11/2013 (Cultural Heritage Protection Law);

3) Planning and carrying out the protection of assets of relevant cultural interest, namely, through the research, registration, inventory and classification of such assets;

4) Ensuring the protection of movable, immovable and intangible cultural heritage and promoting the classification and inventory of the latter;

5) Proposing a classification for immovable assets and the establishment of the respective buffer zones;

6) Proposing a classification for movable assets and carrying out a systematic and updated inventory of assets that constitute movable and intangible cultural heritage;

7) Issuing opinions on toponyms;

8) Proposing the setting up of signs indicating the proximity of monuments, buildings of architectural interest, ensembles and sites.

2. The Department of Cultural Heritage comprises the Division for Cultural Heritage Conservation and the Division for Research and Planning.

Rua de Sanches de Miranda, No. 5 – 7
Tel: (853) 2836 6866
Fax: (853) 2836 6836
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Division for Cultural Heritage Conservation

The Division for Cultural Heritage Conservation is responsible for:

1) Designing projects and carrying out renovation, conservation and revitalization work on classified immovable assets or assets pending classification;

2) Adopting or proposing the necessary precautionary measures whenever there are circumstances that might endanger the classified assets or assets pending classification;

3) Carrying out surveys and inspections to verify the safety status of the classified assets or assets pending classification;

4) Carrying out conservation work outside the classified assets or assets pending classification;

5) Carrying out and supervising renovation work on the classified assets or assets pending classification;

6) Ensuring public access to assets of cultural interest managed by the Cultural Affairs Bureau;

7) Ensuring the management of classified assets, as stipulated by law;

8) Ensuring the protection of classified movable assets, as stipulated by law.


Division for Research and Planning

The Division for Research and Planning is responsible for:

1) Conducting studies on tangible and intangible cultural heritage and assets of cultural interest;

2) Proposing a classification for movable and immovable assets of cultural interest;

3) Carrying out and updating the inventory of the archaeological heritage and intangible cultural heritage of the MSAR;

4) Issuing opinions on works and interventions to be carried out on classified immovable assets, assets pending classification or assets located in buffer zones;

5) Issuing opinions on the issuing of street alignment maps and urban conditions maps related to the Historic Centre of Macau, classified immovable assets and assets located in buffer zones;

6) Issuing opinions on the demolition of buildings of architectural interest, immovable assets within classified ensembles and sites, and immovable assets located in buffer zones;

7) Issuing opinions on setting up informational materials at monuments and posting or setting up materials of any nature in buildings of architectural interest, ensembles and sites, as well as immovable assets located in buffer zones;

8) Issuing opinions on work projects with major impact;

9) Drafting the protection and management plan, as well as the partial plans of the Historic Centre of Macau;

10) Drafting plans for the protection of cultural heritage and for the renovation and revitalization of classified assets;

11) Carrying out, promoting and authorizing archaeological projects;

12) Devising guidelines for the management of intangible cultural heritage and ensuring protection and management of the latter;

13) Promoting the cultural heritage of the MSAR.